Manufacturer of Telecom Towers

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We are manufacturer of Transmission Towers

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Manufacturer of Sub Station Structure

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Manufacturer of Solar Panel Structures and Discovery

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Manufacturer of Cable Tray

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About us

Products We Manufacture

A company dealing in of Hot Dip Galvnized Transmission Line Tower / Substation Structures/Telecommunication Towers /Rural ElectrificationTowers / FoundationBolts Bolts Mounting Structure Cable Trays Etc.)

Gayatri Fabtech is a BSPTCL, UPPTCL, JKPDD, JKPTCL, HVPNL, PUVNL, DHBVN, INDUS TOWER, RAMBOL, MOTOROLA Approved unit located at Delhi-Moradabad Highway manufactuting Transmission Line Towers, Substation Structure and Telecommunication towers, Cable Trays, Module Mounting structure, RE Works since 2018.

Gayatri Fabtech provided the best source of steel suppliers in the Northern part of India (Mandi Govind Garh & Ghaziabad) & Central India (Raipur). This ensures that we get timely supply of good quality raw material consistently. It ensures that we are able to execute our order in faster way

  • Installed Fabrication Capacity of 12,000 MTper Annum
  • In addition to several lines of Hydraulic machine, Power Presses (heavy duty), Radial Drill Machine
  • 14000MTper annum Galvanizing capacity in-house. [Zinc Cattle Size-(5.5MX1MX1M) & other one(7MX1M1.2M) is under progress]
  • Fully Capable Laboratory with all required instruments to ensure all our raw material and finished goods are testing
  • Availability of large Level area for proto type.
  • Working Instruction

    A. Raw Material Procurement

    Raw Material is procured as per specification of Purchaser/client/IS-2062, IS-1161,IS-1730 stipulated in Contract/agreement after duly inspection at Gayatri's Client end

    B. Inspection & Testing

    Physical/Visual/Dimesional and verification/co-related of test certificates etc. Machenical Test for UTS, Bend Test, Percentage of elongation , ultimate test , any other test specified by purchaser/client/inspecting authority. Chemical Composition Test and other tests to be require by customer.

    C. Storage/Stacking

    Material stored/stacked, grade-wise, section/size wise proper identification mark is put for each lot indicating SIN number,stack umber and co-relation with test certificates.

    D. Issue

    Proper check is maintained while issuing the material for specified job as per job card

    E. Fabrication (as per IS-802 & all tolerance as per IS-7215)
  • 1. Cutting/Cropping :- As per Drawings.
  • 2. Straightening :- Material straightened in angle straightening machine permitting a maximum camber of 2% of total length
  • 3. Stamping :- Identification mark for members of towers (as per drawing)
  • 4. Punching/Drilling :- As per shop drawing
  • 5. Marking :- As per shop drawing
  • 6. Bending :- As per specification/drawing
  • 7. Welding :- As per specification/wps
  • 8. Inspection :- Final checking as per QAP
  • F. Proto/Model Assembly

    As per requirement of purchaser/client. One structure pf each type (Black) after duly fabrication as per Drg. is assembled completely in all respect horizontally on ground and a through checks is done by the purchaser or the client in accordance with drawings.

    G. Tower Testing

    As per Contarct Agreement

    H. Galvanising
  • 1. Degreasing :- Removal of oil, grease of any other for material to clean the surface properly
  • 2. Pickling :- Removal of mil scale, Rust & Oxides to clean the surface of members.
  • 3. Rinsing :- After Pickling the articles should rinsed through running water
  • 4. Fluxing :- For providing catalytic layer to prevent oxidation and checking the solution for strengthand percentage of Iro and preparation of new solution
  • 5. Hot Plate :- For providing and prefetching the material (before dipping into the galvanizing bath to avoid spattering caused due to differnece of Temperature).
  • 6. Hot Dip :- Material is dipped in to molten Zinc Galvanizing bath with the help of EOT Cranes/Hoists and Xinc Layer is deposited by steel zinc alloy process. (we procure zinc only from Hindustan Zinc of 99.995 Purity)
  • 7. Quenching :- After galvanizing the hot material is dipped in to water for cooling as the material is very hot and reuired to beat room temperature before passivation
  • 8. Passivation :- Then the material is dipped into dichromatic solution to prevent it from white rust and to obtain better finish of zinc coating.
  • Storage/Stacking :- The finished material is stored/stacked with proper identification marks to avoid mixing and damaging of Zinc Coating
  • Quality

    Our goal is to achieve the highest level of quality in our products through uncompromising focus on quality . We are an ISO 9001:2015,ISO -14001:2015,ISO-45001:2018 certified company. We adhere to strict quality assurance plans to produce material conforming to domestic and international industry standards.

    We follow a rigorous process to control production and quality in our worlshops. A detailed Job card is prepared for each job to done with clear instructions and drwaings for workers. A Route sheet follows the job along its way through the production. In-Process quality Assurance inspector reviews the quality of jobs before handing over to Galvanizing . After galvanizing, inspection is done again to checkfor the quality of galvnizing

    We maintain a testing laboratory with all the modern testing tools. All the mechanical, chemical and visual tests required as per IS and Quality Assurance plan conducted in-house

    Basic norms of Tower industry like maintaining End/Edge security, proper identification and handling of rejected material , storing of scrap and wastage are adhered to. We also ensure that the finished goods can be traced back to their raw material source.

    To ensure the safety and productivity of our workers, we display quality and prodcutivity slogans all across our facilities. Our workers and supervisors are required to follow strict safety norms like wearing of helmets, safety gloves and shoes. We are continuously training our employees on safety and productivity issues.

    Quality is also built into our Dispatch department. We have skilled people who sort and bundle the items to ensure easy loading and unloading of material . The main focus areas of Dispatch are to ensure that minimum shortages are caused at site. This ensures that the timely erection of these towers at site is not compromised

    Our People

    Gayatri Fabtech is run by people who have vast experience in the field of manufacuring of transmission line towers, substaiton structure, telecommunication tower etc. In additionto this , we people who have experience in the construction companies of transmission line towers. This gives us the advantages of understanding this business from the customer's point of view.

    Our Goal

    We want to make Transmission Line Towers, Substation Structure , Telecommunication Towers, Foundation Bolts, with the utmost quality and deliver them to our clients on time.

    Our Clients

    Our Prime Customer are BSPTCL, UPPTCL, JKPDD, JKPTCL, PUVVNL, BSPTCL, BHEL, REW, DEHN India, JSp Power, Gawar Construction, Shiv Shakti Construction, R.K Industries, Mohan Energy Corporation, Jain Brother, Indus Tower, RAMBOL, Motorola etc.

    Why Work With Us ?

    We have emerged as one of the leading organizations engaged in fabrication and installation of towers. Our Strength lies in serving the diversified requirements of clients in an effective and professional manner. Some of the factors that have earned us a credibility in the manufacturing industry are:

  • Advanced Manufacturing Unit
  • Precision engineered products
  • Warehousing and packaging facilities
  • Production customization
  • Competitive pricing
  • Efficient team
  • Value added services
  • Wide distribution network
  • On time delivery
  • Value for money
  • End-To-End Solutions

    From Design, Manufacturing, Construction to Commissioning

    Customer Centric

    Our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

    Stringent Quality Checks

    Quality assurance team ensures the ISO policy at every stage

    Professional Team

    A great mix of Seasoned Veterans and Young Professional

    Cost-Effective Prices

    Quality solution with best in industry price

    Technologically Driven

    World class ERP system & Equipments

    Forward Looking

    Innovation is at the forefront of our vision

    Some facts in Numbers







    Clients’ Testimonials

    Gayatri Fabtech has exceeded my expectations as the go-to manufacturer for solar panel structures. Their commitment to quality and precision in fabrication is unparalleled. The sturdy and reliable structures they produce showcase their expertise in the field. Timely delivery and excellent customer service make them the top choice for anyone in the solar industry.

    Gayatri Fabtech stands out as the premier manufacturer of Transmission Towers. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and reliability is commendable. The towers they produce are not only robust but also exhibit precision engineering. Seamless communication, timely delivery, and industry expertise make them the ideal choice for transmission tower solutions.

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